Meredith Rowlen: Birmingham Alabama Childrens Photographer
Meredith Rowlen: Birmingham Alabama Childrens Photographer. Being a Photographer In Birmingham, Alabama I see a lot of sweet heirloom outfits on babies. Feltman Brothers pieces passed from mom/dad to child. Three month sessions seem to have the most heirloom pieces. Strasburg is another great website for beautiful heirloom pieces. Local to Birmingham I really like Clotheshorse for gently used pieces.
I love that I got to see this sweet baby again. Seems like it was just yesterday we did his newborn session. He was so interested in everything going on. He loved smiling at his sweet mama and he actually rolled over for the first time too!
I have really enjoyed this sweet family. I met them at their maternity session at the Sonnet House. They joined my Watch Me Grow plan. Watch me Grow members get their full deluxe sessions at the simplicity/mini pricing. They also get location sessions without having to pay the location fee. I also give my Watch Me Grow clients a 11×14 from each session. Most of my clients pick the images out at the end of their 4 sessions so they can coordinate the orientations for a nice wall collage.
Studio and Outside sessions are normally rotated out in WMG sessions but it’s entirely up to my clients. A lot of great local options are The Birmingham Botanical Gardens, Mt Laurel, Aldridge Gardens and even Heardmont Park. I am always up for new locations so any suggestions are welcome. Birmingham Alabama offers a lot of options for a Childrens Photographer. I can suggest the best locations for you and your family once we discuss your wants and ages of children. Call or Text me at 205-296-7943. Feel free to email me at My studio is conveniently location right off hwy 280 in the Eagle Point area.